
One Sentence Summary

One paragraph Summary

What is the foundational knowledge required for me to learn this?

What do I hope to learn AND take ACTION on after reading this book?

What brought you to reading this book? How did you hear about it?

What are my assumptions before reading this book?

Reading Comprehension questions from ChatGPT

What ACTIONS/HABITS will I partake after reading this book?

What Questions do I have after reading this book?

  • Am I doing (not simply aware of) the things mentioned in this book? Where is my evidence?

What Phrase(s) can I add/validate to my mantras?

Chapter 1: Money is Freedom

Here are the 7 levels to financial freedom (where are you?):

  1. Clarity, when you figure out where you are and where you want to go
  2. Self-sufficiency, when you earn enough money to cover your expenses
  3. Breathing room, when you escape living paycheck-to-paycheck
  4. Stability, when you have 6-months of living expenses saved and bad debt repaired
  5. Flexibility, you have at least two years of living expenses invested
  6. Financial independence, when you can live off of your investment income
  7. Abundant wealth, when you have more money than you will ever need